Incoming students
Facultad de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales: Comunicación
Primer Semestre
- Language B (English) I (Year 1, 6 ECTS) (B2 level)
- Advertising Photography (Year 3, 6 ECTS) Limited seats available.
- Multimedia Graphic Design (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- News Writing and Reporting (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Web Design (Year 4, 6 ECTS)
- Coolhunting (Year 4, 6 ECTS)
- Advanced Editing in Cinema (Year 4, 6 ECTS) - intermediate level of digital editing (software) and audiovisual language required. Limited seats available.
- Issues Management (Year 4, 6 ECTS)
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
Segundo Semestre
- Language B (English) II (Year 1, 6 ECTS) (C1 level)
- English (Year 1, 6 ECTS) (Journalism / Film & TV / Advertising)
- Intercultural Communication (Year 2, 6 ECTS) (Journalism / Film & TV / Advertising / Translation)
- Journalism (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Advanced Editing in TV (Year 3, 6 ECTS) - intermediate level of digital editing (software) and audiovisual language required.
- Interactive Advertising (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- New Marketing Methods (Year 4, 6 ECTS)
- Branding (Year 4, 6 ECTS)
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
Facultad de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales: Traducción
Primer Semestre
- Language B (English) I (Year 1, 6 ECTS) (B2 level)
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS
Segundo Semestre
- Intercultural Communication ( Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Intercultural Mediation (Year 3 ,6 ECTS)
- Language B (English) II (Year 1, 6 ECTS) (C1 level)
- Translation A-B (Spanish-English) (Year 4, 3 ECTS) - minimum of B2 level of Spanish and English required
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS
Facultad de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales: Administración y Dirección de Empresas y Derecho
Primer Semestre
- Legal English (Year 1, 6 ECTS)
- European Union: Institutions and Law (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Business Workshop I (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Business Workshop II (Year 3, 6 ECTS) - only available for students with econometrics and statistics previous knowledge.
- People Management (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Operations Management and Logistics ( Year 4, 6 ECTS )
- Internationalization IV: E-commerce (Year 4, 6 ECTS)
- Leadership and Management Skills ( Year 4, 3 ECTS)
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
Segundo Semestre
- Criminology English ( Year 1, 6 ECTS )
- English for Business I (Year 1, 6 ECTS)
- English for Business II (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Strategic Management (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Advanced Finance II: Financial Control (Year 3, 6 ECTS) - recommended that the student has studied Financial Management.
- Internationalization II: International Trade and Logistics (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Internationalization III: Management and Organization of Multinational Companies (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
Facultad de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales: Educación Infantil/Primaria
Primer Semestre
- School and Teaching (Year 1, 6 ECTS) (Infant or Primary)
- Family, School and Society (Year 2, 6 ECTS) (Infant or Primary)
- Teaching Nature, Society and Culture (Year 3, 6 ECTS) (Infant)
- Research and Innovation in Social Sciences (Year 3, 6 ECTS) (Primary)
- Anglosaxon Educational System: Best Practices (Year 4, 6 ECTS) (Infant or Primary)
- CLIL: Training for Bilingualism (Year 4, 6 ECTS) (Infant or Primary)
- Educational Materials in Foreign Language (Year 4, 6 ECTS) (Infant or Primary)
- English III (Year 4, 6 ECTS) (Infant or Primary)
- Teaching English as Foreign Language (Year 4, 6 ECTS) (Infant or Primary)
- Learning and Psychomotor Development (Year 4, 6 ECTS) (Infant or Primary)
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
- Design, Implementation and Assessment of Tutorial Programs (Year 4, 6 ECTS) (Infant of primary)
Segundo Semestre
- Theory and History of Education (Year 1, 3 ECTS) (Infant or Primary)
- Innovation and Research in Infant Education (Year 2, 6 ECTS) (Infant)
- Teaching of Experimental Sciences (Year 2, 6 ECTS) (Primary)
- Teaching Arts and Music (Year 3, 6 ECTS) (Infant or Primary)
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud: Farmacia
Primer Semestre
- Introduction to Genetics (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry II (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Economy and Business Administration (Year 3, 3 ECTS)
- Toxicology (Year 5, 6 ECTS)
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
Segundo Semestre
- English for Pharmacy (Year 1, 6 ECTS)
- Genomics (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Master Research Project (Year 5, 6 ECTS) - limited number of available seats. Acceptance of the candidate requires the prior approval of the USJ International coordinator.
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud: Fisioterapia
Segundo Semestre
- Scientific English (Year 1, 6 ECTS)
- Physiotherapy in Clinical Specialities II (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Health Research (Year 4, 6 ECTS)
- Bachelor Research Project (Year 4, 6 ECTS) - limited number of available seats. Acceptance of the candidate requires the prior approval of the USJ International coordinator.
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud: Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte
Primer Semestre
Expertise in Education Track - 30 ECTS:
- School and Teaching (Year 1, 6 ECTS)
- Family, School and Society (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Research and Innovation in Social Sciences (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Learning and Psychomotor Development (Year 4, 6 ECTS)
- Bachelor Research Project (Year 4, 6 ECTS) - limited number of available seats. Acceptance of the candidate requires the prior approval of the USJ International coordinator.
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud: Bioinformática
Primer Semestre
- Introduction to Genetics (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Computational Mathematics and Simulation (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Omics Analysis (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Phylogenetics (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Databases for Bioinformatics (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Structural Bioinformatics (Year 3, 3 ECTS)
- Introduction to Software Engineering (Year 3, 3 ECTS)
- Data Visualization (Year 3, 3 ECTS)
- Economy and Business Administration (Year 3, 3 ECTS)
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
Segundo Semestre
Technical Itinerary - 30 ECTS
- Autonomous Learning and Evolution (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Intelligent Systems (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- IT Systems (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Networks and Communications (Year 3, 3 ECTS)
- Image Analysis (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Highthroughput Computing (Year 3, 3 ECTS)
Bio Itinerary - 30 ECTS
- Autonomous Learning and Evolution (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- IT Systems (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Genomics (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Population Genetics (Year 3, 3 ECTS)
- Highthroughput Computing (Year 3, 3 ECTS)
Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
Escuela de Arquitectura y Tecnología: Diseño y Desarrollo de Videojuegos
Primer Semestre
Game Development Track - 30 ECTS
This programme is semester 5 of our Dual degree ICT & Game development. To take part in the modules of this semester you need pre-knowledge of Object-Oriented programming (preferably in Java) and game engines (Unity 3D or Unreal).
- Design and Development of Web Games (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Software Engineering (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Game Engines (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Computer Graphics (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Elective Modules (3 ECTS)
Segundo Semestre
Game Development Track - 30 ECTS
This programme is semester 6 of our Game Development program. To take part in the modules of this semester you need pre-knowledge of Object-Oriented programming (preferably in Java) and game engines (Unity 3D or Unreal).
Escuela de Arquitectura y Tecnología: Ingeniería Informática
Primer Semestre
ICT Track - 30 ECTS
This programme is semester 5 of our regular ICT & Software Engineering bachelor studies. To be able to take part in the modules of this semester you need pre-knowledge of Object-Oriented programming (preferably in Java), operating systems and networks.
- Operating Systems Management (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Software Engineering (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Man-Machine Interaction (Year 3, 3 ECTS)
- Networks and Communications I (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Intelligent Systems (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Elective Modules (3 ECTS). Select one:
Segundo Semestre
ICT Track - 30 ECTS
This programme is semester 6 of our regular ICT & Software Engineering bachelor studies. To be able to take part in the modules of this semester you need pre-knowledge of Object-Oriented programming (preferably in Java), networks, and databases/SQL.
Escuela de Arquitectura y Tecnología: Arquitectura y Diseño Digital y Tecnologías Creativas
Primer Semestre
- Models and Prototypes (Year 1, 6 ECTS)
- Urbanism I (Year 2, 3 ECTS)
- Structures I (Year 2, 3 ECTS)
- Digital Manufacturing and Industrialized Construction (Year 2, 6 ECTS)
- Structures III (Year 3, 3 ECTS)
- Projects III (Year 3, 9 ECTS)
- Complex and Parametrised Design and Ideation (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Business Initatives (Year 3, 6 ECTS)
- Culture and Theory in Architecture V (Year 4, 3 ECTS)
- Legal and Forensic Architecture (Year 5, 3 ECTS)
- Open Classroom (Year 5, 3 ECTS)
- Research Unit (Year 5, 3 ECTS)
- Technical English for Architects (Year 5, 3 ECTS)
- Spanish Course: A1, A2, B1 or B2/C1 level (3 ECTS)
Segundo Semestre